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Images good and bad
Score one for the Apaches and a stunning image of Christ that some sorely misguided priest tried to remove.
Score zero for the Dionysian scene staged at the opening of the Paris Olympics, mistaken by some Christians for a Last Supper parody.
Score zero for those who think God “spared” Donald Trump from assassination while slaughtering an innocent firefighter and injuring two others.
God is not half the jerk you think God is! But some of us really try hard to make up for that.
Read more on the Blog page.
Religious-theme controversies hither and yon:
· Score one for the Apaches. And the image of Christ!
For 35 years, the 8-foot-tall image of an Apache Christ hung behind the altar of St. Joseph Apache Mission in Mescalaro, New Mexico.
The icon was created by Franciscan friar Robert Lentz in 1989. It depicts Christ as a Mescalero medicine man. It is a visually stunning reminder that Christ comes to us in many guises in all cultures.
I have a postcard version of the icon that I have treasured for more than 20 years.
A month ago, the people of the church were shocked when they showed up for worship and saw that the icon was gone. So were other art works that mixed Christian and Apache themes.
The priest said he had removed the “pagan” images to avoid corrupting the people.
Apparently he preferred the usual (non-corrupting) European images of Christ that appear in most Catholic artwork.
The priest said the local bishop and other diocesan officials had approved of the art’s removal.
Church people threw a fit. Then something truly momentous happened. The bishop backed down. He removed the priest, returned the artworks and apologized (as much as bishops ever really apologize for anything).
* * * * *
· Some people are really upset about the Last Supper “parody” during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Paris.
Problem is, the scene was not a portrayal of the Last Supper It was a portrayal of the Feast of Dionysus, the ancient Greek god of wine and orgies. No wonder it was so ribald. Oh, those French!
And, oh those (primarily Americans) who were so quick to take offense!
I missed seeing the whole thing first-hand. I watched about ten minutes of the parade, saw a few boats carrying athletes down the Seine, yawned and quit in boredom.
* * * * *
· Some people claim that God “spared” Donald Trump from assassination when a bullet nicked his ear.
If you follow the logic of that, then God directed bullets to kill firefighter Corey Comperatore and seriously injure two other bystanders at the Trump rally.
Or maybe Trump just moved his head at the right time.
Or maybe the shooter was just a bad shot.
You really ought to be careful assigning divine motive to bullets. It makes God the author of an awful lot of pain.
But if you must believe that God “spared” Trump, then the next time something awful happens to you, you must accept the notion that God did it to you, on purpose, because you so richly deserved it.
Relax. God doesn’t work that way.
Because if any of us God what we deserve, we’d all be in a terrible fix, wouldn’t we?
You are welcome
Most churches think they are welcoming though they are actually hostile to newcomers.
What follows are 10 points on how to be more welcoming.
This training is part of the transition of Spring HIll United Methodist Church to Resurrection Spring Hill.
Nothing new here. Simply solid advice we ignore at our peril.
As part of its transition from Spring Hill United Methodist Church to Resurrection Spring Hill, core team members are relearning some of the basics of being a church – especially the need to be radically welcoming.
Some of what you will read here is being presented to team members by Yvonne Gentile of the Resurrection staff. She and Debi Nixon have written a book, The Art of Hospitality, that covers this ground thoroughly.
The gist of what follows, however, comes not from that book but from a couple of messages that I delivered more than 20 years ago. See, these principles are not new. Neither are the issues they address. We neglect them to our peril.
This is a message I delivered during the church’s informal Summer Session this Sunday.
Linda and I have some friends who once moved away and immediately began the hunt for a friendly church.
The first church they checked out was cold and indifferent. The music was lethargic. The pastor’s message was uninvolving. Worse, not a single person spoke to them the entire time they were there. Not a single person even said hello – not even the usher who handed them bulletins. No one said a word to them.
They were stunned by the reception they received. As they were walking to their car, four-year-old Aiden summed it up as only he could. He said: “Well, that sucks!”
Every church in the world considers itself friendly. Wherever you go, you'll hear, "We're a friendly church." But the sad truth is that many churches are friendly only within their closed circle.
They are not friendly to newcomers. They are actually hostile to newcomers, because they make newcomers feel like outsiders rather than like guests.
Have you ever stepped into a room where it's obvious that everyone there knows everyone else and no one knows you – and no one cares to know you?
Someone has said that visiting a church is like walking into the wrong family reunion. No one has to tell you to go away. It’s clear you are not welcome.
On any given Sunday, every church gathering may be visited by a special guest – a person who is looking for a spiritual home. It is our joyous task as Christian people to welcome every person who comes to our door as if that person were Christ himself.
The Rule of Saint Benedict has guided the leaders of monasteries and retreats for many centuries. It has one simple guideline for hospitality: “Let all guests be received as Christ.”
Remember that Jesus told us, "Whatever you do to the least of my children, that you do to me" (Matthew 25:40).
Christ comes to us in many different shapes and sizes and colors, in many different costumes – and sometimes, as Mother Teresa once said, in a "distressing disguise." If we snub one person, we snub Christ.
The book of Hebrews lowers the stakes a little. It says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13.2). Whether we’re entertaining angels or Christ himself, we want to get it right.
When people come to us, especially for the first time, they are not here primarily to hear the music or the prayers or the sermon. They are here to test the relational climate. If the climate is cold or indifferent, they will know immediately.
Basically, they want to learn four things:
• Who are the people here?
• Are they like me?
• Will they like me?
• Will I like them?”
If they can get “yes” answers to those questions, they’ll likely come back. So it’s up to us to introduce ourselves as genuinely and therefore as convincingly as we can.
Surveys consistently show that people decide within the first 7 to 10 minutes whether they will return. We don’t have much time to make a good impression. First impressions are the best – or the worst – impression we will leave on most guests.
I think that's the key. Do we consider newcomers as visitors or as guests? A visitor is a short timer, just someone passing through. A guest is someone we value simply because they have come into our presence.
When you invite someone into your home, how do you behave? That's the kind of hospitality we need to extend to others as a church. There should be no visitors in our midst – only guests.
Hospitality starts with a warm and genuine greeting at the door – if not at the front steps, if not in the parking lot itself. If you're just going through the motions, people will immediately sense that and label you – and the church – as phony.
So we greet all guests as if they were very important, because they are. They are made in the image of Christ. So we ought to treat them as if they were Christ himself.
They come to church hoping somehow to experience the love of God. Our job is to remove all the distractions, obstacles and obstructions that they might encounter moving into unfamiliar territory among unfamiliar people.
They are more likely to experience the love of God if they experience love from us. Above all else, they will remember how we made them feel. So we want them all to feel welcome, loved for who they are.
What follows now is a guest service training manual: 10 commandments for welcoming people to our church.
1. As I said earlier, greet every newcomer as a guest, not a visitor. Offer each person a gift that only you can provide – that is, the gift of your full attention. You never know whether this person is Christ in disguise, or an angel, or your new best friend.
2. Never point. Always escort. If a newcomer asks you where something is, don’t just tell. Show and tell. Along the way, if there’s time, you might introduce yourself and get to know the person a little.
If you can’t show and tell for some reason – you’re caring for a child or are physically unable or otherwise fully occupied – then quickly find somebody else who can help.
Here’s how important that is: On the Fourth of July weekend we had guests in our home and we wanted to make homemade ice cream. I discovered that we were out of rock salt, so I went to Price Chopper in search of more. It wasn’t in any of the places I thought were logical. I was baffled.
I saw a young checkout clerk who had nobody in his line at the moment, so I asked him about it. He grinned and said, “You’ll never find it on your own. Let me show you.” He turned off the light on his work station and led me to where the rock salt was cleverly hidden. Then he led me back to his work station and checked me out, smiling all the time.
That’s good customer service – and fine hospitality.
3. When you encounter someone new, don’t ask, “Are you new here?” That can be embarrassing when you ask someone who’s been part of the church for 20 years and you’ve never gotten around to meeting them.
If you see someone you don’t know, simply say, “Hi! I don’t think I know you. My name is…” This is your newcomer mantra. Repeat it with me, please. “Hi! I don’t think I know you. My name is…”
That approach puts guest and host on the same level. Neither of you is “in” or “out.” For all the newcomer knows, you might be a newcomer yourself.
Well, there is one giveaway.
4. You’re wearing your nametag. It’s the easiest way to let others know who you are. OK, we don’t have nametags yet, but we will. When we get them, wear yours every Sunday. Linda and I have been known to keep ours in the glove box of our car, so it goes with us wherever we go, just like Pocket Jesus.
I have to confess. I have a short-term memory problem. When I’m introduced to people, I remember their names for roughly 10 seconds. I need all the help I can get with names. Nametags help immensely.
Newcomers don’t have nametags, of course, and they don’t want to advertise themselves as newcomers by wearing a nametag that’s different from everyone else’s. So make it easy on the newcomer by wearing your nametag, and trying hard to remember their name.
5. Save the “best seats” in the back for guests. Face it. We all want to sit in the back so that we can see who’s here and who’s not – and no one likes twisting around to see who’s behind you.
Newcomers feel the same way. They want to sit in the back so they can observe others without being observed. Newcomers also typically arrive late, so saving room for them in the back causes less embarrassment for them while they’re trying to find a seat.
Of course, if your family includes small children, you may want to sit near the back so that if a child gets disruptive, you can escape without bothering people. It’s OK for you to sit in back with the newcomers. Just make sure you greet them.
How do you greet them? You say: “Hi! I don’t think I know you. My name is…”
6. If the best seats are in the back, the best parking spaces are closest to the building. So, unless you have a mobility problem, save the best parking spaces for guests.
Newcomers are probably going to arrive late anyway – and if they have to hunt for a parking space, they’ll be even later getting into the building.
So follow Jesus’ rule: “The first shall be last” (Matthew 20.16). When you pull into the parking lot, look for the worst space that’s left.
If we run out of spaces – and we might some day soon – some of us may have to park across the street in the library parking lot. If that makes it easier for a guest to park, it’s worth the longer walk.
And if you encounter someone new once you get closer to the building, what do you say? “Hi! I don’t think I know you. My name is…”
By the way, I know that being this open to newcomers is not easy. I’m an introvert. I’m naturally shy. I have to push myself to greet strangers this way. But I always feel better afterward.
7. Remember the “circle of 10.” Imagine a 10-foot radius all around you. Wherever you’re sitting, that’s your home turf. Greet everyone who steps inside this 10-foot radius.
How do you greet them? “Hi! I don’t think I know you. My name is…”
The point of this rule is to keep church people from running across the sanctuary and pouncing on newcomers like predators in search of fresh meat. Only approach a newcomer who’s outside your circle if that person appears especially lost or neglected.
Newcomers want a taste of our hospitality but not such a huge helping that they’re overwhelmed. They want to be welcomed beyond their expectations, but not mobbed.
8. Here’s another rule – the “rule of three.” For the first three minutes after the end of worship, try to talk to newcomers only. Try not to talk to anyone you know unless there is no one else close by to talk to.
Here’s the rationale: It takes a newcomer three minutes to slip out of the church. We can’t let them escape without meaningful human contact. So even if you’ve already met them – especially if you’ve already met them – try to talk with them on the way out.
9. What do you talk about? How about, “I’m glad I met you today. Thanks for being here. Have a good week. Hope to see you again.” Normal stuff. You’re not trying to impress people with what a great conversationalist you are. You’re just being friendly. That’s all you need to be.
10. Finally, don’t talk church business in the presence of guests. Your first priority is getting to know them. It’s rude to talk about things they’re not involved with. And, since they don’t know the context of the conversation, it’s easy for them to get the wrong impression about what you’re discussing.
These 10 “rules” aren’t really rules. They’re just pointers for welcoming people, reminding us how to be more open to others. If we follow these pointers, we’ll become a more welcoming church and a growing church, because we are welcoming others just as Jesus welcomed us.
Do you remember four-year-old Aiden, who I mentioned at the opening of this talk? He’s all grown up now. He’s a graduate of West Point and an Army officer. Wherever the Army sends him, I expect he’s always looking for a friendly church.
Admirer, fan, or follower?
It’s easy to be an admirer of someone, or even an enthusiastic admirer (otherwise known as a fan).
Jesus needs no more admirers or fans. He needs followers.
And that’s what he calls us to be — people who set aside other priorities to know and follow him.
Read more on the blog page.
This message is titled “Admirer, fan or follower?”
I’m going to give it all away by announcing right at the start that the big life question I’m exploring this morning is whether you are an admirer of Jesus, or a fan of Jesus, or a follower of Jesus.
The distinction is vital to your spiritual health.
If you or someone you know has recently sought admission to college, chances are they had to submit one of those dreaded application essays.
Sometimes you can name your own topic, or choose one from a list. Often, though, you have to write about a certain subject. “Tell us about someone you admire.” Or: “Who are the most influential people in your life?”
Lord, have mercy!
I grew up in Illinois, the land of Lincoln – specifically Central Illinois, where Abraham Lincoln spent most of his life. Lincoln was a constant presence in my life, and a big influence on me.
I’ve often said that I went to school with Lincoln – though, of course, he did not go to school with me.
Years ago, when I first used that line with our two daughters, they scoffed. “Dad, you did not go to school with Abraham Lincoln. You’re not that old!”
It is true, though, that I did grow up surrounded by Lincoln lore and infused with a Lincolnesque sense of right and wrong.
I came to greatly admire Lincoln’s inquisitive nature, his humility and humor; his deeply felt sense of fairness and justice; his pragmatism and willingness to bend; and also his iron will when core principles were involved.
Another big influence was David Crockett. I was at the impressionable age of 6 when Walt Disney came out with his TV series “Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier.” I remember watching it on a tiny black-and-white TV screen that was more round than rectangular.
The real Crockett hated being called “Davy.” But he did love a good yarn, so if answering to “Davy” would polish his image, I imagine he’d go for it.
You may remember Crockett’s motto: “Always be sure you’re right, then go ahead.” Right or wrong, he almost always went ahead – and that’s why he died in the massacre at the Alamo.
I don’t think Lincoln ever had a motto, but he shared Crockett’s “go ahead” attitude. In a speech in 1839, he said: “Let none falter who thinks he is right…”
I spent much of my life in Decatur, a town Lincoln detested even more than I did. He also despised the city of Springfield, where he lived with his family for 24 years.
Someone once asked if he thought Springfield would share in the Second Coming of Christ. He replied: “If he visited here once, I doubt that he’d want to return.”
I admire Lincoln, and to a lesser extent, Crockett. I’m a fan of both. But a follower? Depends on what you mean by “follow.”
Linda and I followed the Royals closely in 1985, when they won their first World Series. After that, they faded from our lives, even when they won again in 2015.
Today we follow the Chiefs, though neither of us is really what I’d call a fan – and we’ll never be caught tailgating at Chiefs stadium, whatever it’s officially called this week.
We are more likely fans of Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce. Speaking of whom – what do you think of Taylor Swift?
According to one tally, she has more than 500 million fans. A few literally follow her everywhere on her worldwide concert circuit. I have nothing against her, but I’m pretty much indifferent to today’s pop music, so you can’t count me among her fans.
Generally, you can be a fan – that is, an enthusiastic admirer – at a considerable distance. You may know a lot about Taylor Swift but never gotten any closer to her than a movie or TV screen.
You also can follow someone only in the sense that you “keep up with” them, the same way you “follow” the news. In that case, you may want to keep up but not get too close, for fear of losing your sanity.
The key distinction is whether you know about a person, or whether you actually know the person.
If Taylor Swift walked in here right now, would she recognize you? If not, then no matter how much you know about her, you really don’t know her, do you? Because she doesn’t know you.
If you want to read more on this line, let me point you to a book titled Not a Fan, by Kyle Idleman. Years ago, I used it as a text in an adult Sunday School class. Half the class hated it, and I wasn’t sure why. I paged through it again the other day, and I think I understand now. It’s too-too cheerfully evangelical in a way that has come to feel phony.
Our scripture this morning comes at the end of a very long chapter 9 in the gospel of Luke.
As Luke sets the scene, Jesus has just “set his face” toward Jerusalem. Echoing a passage in Isaiah 50, some interpreters say that he “sets his face like flint” toward Jerusalem.
That is, knowing that an awful ordeal awaits him, he resolutely goes ahead and does not falter.
Along the way, one fellow cheerfully promises, “I’ll follow you wherever you go.”
Jesus warns him, “Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but I have no place to call home.” The implied question is, “Are you sure you want to follow me?”
Later Jesus flat out tells another man, “Follow me.” It’s the same command he gave his first disciples on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
They followed him immediately. This man tries to beg off. “First, let me go and bury my father," he says.
Does this mean that his father has just died and needs to be buried quickly? Or, more likely, that he has to care for his father until the old boy dies – and who knows when that will be?
"Let the dead bury their own dead,” Jesus says – and if that sounds harsh, I think that’s because it is. Jesus has another priority for this man: “As for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
A third potential follower offers a similar excuse. “First, let me say farewell to my family.”
Again, Jesus harshly replies: "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."
Jesus is strict because he has one clear and overriding priority – and that is proclaiming God’s kingdom on the way to his destiny. He has a goal, and he will plow directly toward it.
He knows that in plowing, as in a lot of other things in life, you must head resolutely toward a clear mark, and if you ever look back or to one side, you are likely to go astray and plow a very crooked row.
These three men are admirers of Jesus. They are fans of Jesus. They think they want to be followers of Jesus, but when they count the cost, it’s just too high. They want to follow at a respectful distance and not get too close because then they’ll have to give up something they just don’t want to give up.
I mentioned earlier that Linda is preaching today at the United Methodist Church in Spring Hill, where we live. I almost said that she is preaching at Spring Hill United Methodist Church, but she is not. Spring Hill United Methodist Church closed May 19. It will reopen Sept. 8 as Resurrection Spring Hill.
We are part of a core group preparing for the launch of the church as a new location of Church of the Resurrection. We are meeting temporarily in the education wing while the main building is being remodeled. This is an exciting and scary time. We are certain that great days are ahead of us, just as 165 years of great days are behind us.
We are losing a few members in the transition. I do not want to tarnish their memory by identifying them with the three guys Jesus encounters on the road to Jerusalem. No, these are faithful people who just can’t quite adjust to such a radical change and doubtless would prefer that their beloved church not change at all, rather than change to better face the future.
Linda worked out of Resurrection Leawood for a year in its pastoral care department.
Until now, I have been associated with it mostly from a distance – though we have both known Pastor Adam Hamilton since his first appointment, as associate pastor of what is now Resurrection Brookside, in 1988.
One of the things we are excited about is the Resurrection purpose statement. I’m sure that many Rez members have heard it so often that they know it by heart. I’ve heard it many times over the years, but I’m still working to memorize and internalize it.
“Our purpose is to build a Christian community where non-religious and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed Christians.”
Here is perhaps another way of putting it: Our purpose is to build a community where Christ admirers and Christ fans are becoming Christ followers.
Resurrection’s way of doing things is often criticized because, though its principles are portable, the how-to specifics of embodying those principles may not be. That is, its principles are adaptable to churches of all sizes and circumstances, but they need to be adapted according to the size and circumstances of each local congregation.
As the newest Resurrection location, we’ll be learning how to adapt those principles in southern Johnson County – just as others will be adapting them soon at another new Resurrection location in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
That church will replace the former Lee’s Summit United Methodist Church, which defected to the new Global Methodist Church in our recent schism.
Resurrection Lee’s Summit is starting because the Missouri Annual Conference invited Resurrection to start a new church there for the 300 loyal United Methodists who were left without a church when their former church abandoned them.
Cheers to both the conference and Resurrection for responding so quickly!
It’s easy to be an admirer or fan of Jesus. One of the reasons Christianity is faltering in our country right now is that our churches have taught admiration and adoration of Jesus, but we have failed at teaching discipleship. We have failed to create new followers of Jesus.
What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? It doesn’t mean humming sweet Jesus music all day. It doesn’t mean being equipped a Bible memorization “sword drill.” It may not even mean showing up at church every time the doors open.
It does mean committing to become more and more like Jesus every day. It does mean opening yourself to the work of the Holy Spirit using the classic Wesleyan means of grace. These include daily prayer and frequent if not daily Bible study, weekly worship, frequent Holy Communion and the close sharing of your lives with other followers of Jesus in Christian conference, usually in a small group.
What it essentially means is declaring your allegiance to Jesus above all else and finding the ways to move closer to him that are best suited to your personality and circumstance.
Though you may continue to be an admirer and even a fan of Jesus, following Jesus is so much more than either of those postures. Following is vital to your spiritual well-being.
Here’s one way of expressing the three attitudes we’ve explored this morning:
One: God is homeless unless invited in by you.
Two: Knowing Jesus is your top priority.
Three: Go ahead knowing and following him. Do not falter. Do not look back.
Now let me ask you again: Are you an admirer of Jesus, or a fan of Jesus, or a follower of Jesus?
An ongoing war
The Civil War never ended. Americans are still being denied basic rights as humans. The recent Methodist split shows the fault line.
The United Methodist Church lost one-fourth of its churches in the recent schism. Most of them were in states that were once part of the Confederacy.
This is no accident. Some states are still slave states today. They cannot enforce legalized slavery but they can impose many versions of legalized oppression on those who are Black or just Different — especially those who are Different sexually.
For more, read the full post on the blog page.
It’s time to draw a few conclusions from the recent split of the United Methodist Church.
First, some background: At the 2016 General Conference, so-called “conservatives” created a path for disaffiliation for churches that did not agree with the draconian anti-gay measures they pushed through. The idea was that “progressive” churches could leave the church if they did not like the new rules.
A tidal wave of response made it clear that by the 2020 General Conference, “progressives” would be in control, and all the restrictions about sexuality that “conservatives” had jammed down everyone’s throats would be thrown out.
So “conservatives” bailed. They took the path of disaffiliation that they had created for “progressives” to leave, and they parted ways with their home church. More than 7,600 churches left – about one fourth the denomination. More than half of those leaving decided to join the new Global Methodist Church.
According to one study, 71% of disaffiliating churches came from the Southeast and South Central jurisdictions. These were always more conservative than other areas. In the Northwest Texas Conference, 81% of churches left. In the North Alabama Conference, 52% of churches left.
You should note that most churches that left were in the slave states that once tried to leave the union under the Confederacy.
In the years following the Civil War, these states fought Reconstruction hard. They created a “Jim Crow” system of near-slavery that was only partly dismantled during the human rights struggles of the 1960s. It remains in place, in part, in many areas today, though it goes by many misleading and prettified names.
In fact, I would argue that some of these states remain slave states today. They do not allow the legal enslavement of other human beings, but they still promote public policies that exalt some people at the expense of others and oppress or enslave other people to do it.
Some observers see the creation of the Global Methodist Church in terms of the 1845 split of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a split that created a Northern church opposing slavery and a Southern church embracing slavery.
I go even farther than that. I see the revolt against the United Methodist Church as a rebellion against freedom that seeks to form a new Confederacy where forms of human slavery are prettified, justified and promoted.
In their efforts to leave the United Methodist Church, many “conservatives” said that the UMC no longer believed in biblical authority. “Progressives” replied that the issue wasn’t biblical authority but rather biblical interpretation.
I think both sides were wrong. Though biblical authority was talked about a lot, the real issue was always culture. “Conservatives” don’t want to rub shoulders with gay and lesbian people, just as others before them (and many still today), don’t want to rub shoulders with Black people.
Southern culture was always about the pride of hierarchy. True Southerners always knew their place, from “poor white trash” to the elites who ruled the roost from their palatial plantation houses. Blacks fit in only as slaves. Gay and lesbian people don’t fit in at all. Their very existence threatens the social order.
White male supremacy ruled Confederate culture. It still does. White males dominate. There is no room for the non-white non-male, especially those who reject male supremacy altogether by rejecting the male-female binary where males always rule by divine authority.
Sometimes we talk about “culture wars” as if they take second place to political or ideological conflict. I don’t think so. I think culture wars are now, and always have been, the ruling factor in all our national conflicts. You’re either with me and my kind or you’re against me and my kind. My kind always has the blessing of God and history, because we’re better than you, and that’s God’s simple truth, so there.
The United Methodist Church is far from perfect, I can testify to that. But it opposes slavery of any kind, so it is standing on the side of truth, justice and the Jesus Way, against all other forces in today’s culture wars. The recent split in the church is still more evidence that our culture wars are far from over.
The question is how we are going to live together, as Methodists and as Americans, when one side simply denies the legitimacy of the other.
You may accuse me of harboring the very attitudes I condemn. Not so, I say. I am willing to live with those with whom I disagree. If only they were willing to live with me and others like me.
An early summer trip to our favorite place in Colorado was just the ticket for Linda’s side of the family.
We enjoyed a week’s stay at Arapaho Ranch in Nederland, did a little hiking (too early and too snowy for much hiking) and spent some time in the charming mountain town of Nederland.
Traveling across the wilds of Kansas was a trial. So was returning to eastern Kansas, where a sudden drought killed our lawn and inspired giant weeds to grow.
Still, Dorothy got it right. There’s no place like home.
We had a great family reunion in Colorado last week – both our daughters, plus Linda’s sister and her crew. We didn’t do much hiking. It’s just too early in the season, and some of us just weren’t up for it physically this time.
As always, we stayed at near Nederland, at Arapaho Ranch, where 10 cabins are strung along Boulder Creek. As always, proprietors Kayla and Maryanne were friendly and accommodating. How many years, off and on, have we been staying at this place?
The creek was running very high because of spring runoff from upper elevations. Instead of providing a comforting ripple in the background, the creek roared. There was no wading or even fishing; the water was running too fast and hard.
The younger ones among us did hike to Lake Isabelle, more than three miles above Brainard Lake, but it was not the great experience they were hoping for. Too much snow yet.
The parking lots at the trailheads above Brainard were closed; they won’t officially open until July 1. This is the Forest Service’s not-so-subtle way of discouraging hiking by making you walk an extra mile or so to the trailheads from the main parking lot by the lake.
Nederland is still a charming mountain town. It doesn’t appear to have changed much from last year. At Crosscut Pizzeria we recognized a wait person from the year before. And at Kaleidoscope Fine Arts Gallery, Jim was happy to chat with Danielle, a local artist he is pleased to see every visit.
Getting to and from Colorado was a trial. We fought a stiff southern wind on I-70 both ways. Driving west, we ran into a dust storm. I’m sure farmers were dismayed to see their topsoil gone with the wind. Happily, we were not part of a four-vehicle pileup a day or so later when visibility was zero.
Also happily, the state of Colorado has seen fit to pave at least some sections of the interstate, though the section east of Burlington is so far below interstate standards that I wonder how it still qualifies.
The weather was warm when we left but miserably hot when we got back. Our lawn mostly died for lack of water (the spigot opened again after we were home, but it’s probably too late for much of it). Opportunistic weeds invaded several flower beds and somehow grew 3 feet or more in only a week.
It’s good to be back, though. Dorothy was right. There’s no place like home – even if it is good to get away sometimes to remind you of that, and wherever you are, it’s always good to be with loved ones.
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At church we are handing out a little Pocket Jesus to one and all. The theme is “Take Jesus With You Wherever You Go.” Of course, the plastic caricature is only a reminder that Jesus is always with us.
On Facebook and elsewhere we share photos of where Jesus has gone with us. The photo that accompanies this post was taken outside our cabin near Nederland. I tried several times to get a decent photo, and this is the best I got. It’s hard to focus on a tiny figure without losing the background. I guess I should have tried harder.
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In the hopper awaiting finishing and publication:
– More thoughts on the United Methodist division.
– Why teaching religion and posting the 10 Commandments in public schools are bad ideas.
– Admirer, fan or follower of Jesus?
– And perhaps a surprise or two.
I hope you’ll stay tuned. I don’t write these things for therapy.
It’s already been rejected by Abingdon Press, the United Methodist publishing house. It says it has other similar works already in process. I’ve always given Abingdon the right of first refusal on all my book proposals, and I’ve always been rejected. I think it’s time to put some other publisher at the top of my query list.
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Three KU profs are under fire for allegedly faking their Native American ancestry. Kansas City Star columnist Yvette Walker confesses that her family also had unconfirmed stories about a Blackfoot ancestor.
“For as long as I can remember, I believed I had Native ethnicity,” she writes. “I even thought I knew which tribe I supposedly belonged to because it was a part of my family’s oral history.” To test the family memory, she took a Family DNA test. Turns out family oral history was wrong.
My family also has an oral tradition that a woman several generations back was Native American. Not exactly the classic “Cherokee princess” story, but close enough.
I’m about all who’s left to carry on family oral tradition, and my searches on Ancestry.com have found nothing to corroborate this story. I once assumed that it was because racists in my family conveniently “forgot” about the Indian ancestor until it became more socially acceptable to claim her, but by then all details were lost in time. Maybe it was a myth all along.
I did have an uncle who was Native. He married into the family. Sadly, he died relatively young as an alcoholic.
Whether I have any “Indian blood” in me matters less than how I view and treat Native Americans. Since childhood I have been fascinated by various Indian cultures. The more I learn about the genocide campaign against Native tribes, the more I am appalled by the tragedy of racism.
If you’re interested in learning more, I suggest reading The Rediscovery of America by Ned Blackhawk. Actually, I wasn’t capable of reading all of it. I had to skim parts. It’s well written, but many parts will simply break your heart.
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Back to school time nears already. Where did the summer go? Weren’t summers longer back in the “good old days”? Granted, summer child care can be a chore for busy parents. Maybe advancing age fools me on the passage of time, but I wonder if today’s kids suspect they’re being cheated of days in the sun.
Linda and I just bought school supplies for a Spring Hill 9th grader. We deliberately did not keep track of how much it cost. I can’t imagine the expense of having two kids in high school right now, let alone one. Tell me: Why does any high schooler need five two-inch three-ring binders?