Thanks, Bill!

I am remiss in thanking faith and ethics blogger Bill Tammeus – first, for writing a jacket blurb for my book, Keeping Christmas; second, for doing a nice blog post on the book.

You’ll find what he wrote on his blog at:

Scroll down to October 23, 2019: “Some necessary prep work for Christmas.”

Yeah, that’s how far behind I am in thanking him.

Thanks, Bill!

P.S. — Bill and I once worked together at The Kansas City Star.

That seems like a different lifetime now. But it was good then.

Anna Spencer

Anna Spencer makes her home in the heartland. A graduate of the University of Kansas, she is a die-hard Jayhawk fan and has a degree in broadcast journalism and a masters degree in digital content strategy. She has worked in television news, public relations, as a freelance writer, website designer, and social media consultant.



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