Here’s the buzz
My blog has gone silent for too long, but I have several excellent excuses.
1. The name’s the same but just about everything else about it has changed. It has a new look and some new content. And we’re just beginning. More about that later.
2. I have finished reviewing the page proofs of my new book. The title is Change of Heart: A Wesleyan Spirituality. The publisher is Wipf and Stock. It should be out around the end of the year, though not likely before Christmas. (And that was such an easy gift idea for all your friends and relatives!)
3. Linda and I recently spent more than a week on an Aegean Sea cruise following two of the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul. We had a wonderful time, and my view of Paul has shifted substantially because of it. I’m still processing it all, but you can expect to hear more about it than you probably want to know.
4. As part of the new website, you’ll be receiving notices of my blog differently than before. This is the first post under the new regime, so we’ll see how well it works.
Blog topics in the near future:
* Advent has three dimensions, not just one.
* Fighting in the Mideast produces the usual end-times twaddle.
* Whining all the way, George Santos is expelled from the House – and the national press is there to magnify every wail. These are troubled times indeed.
* On our cruise, we learned about several major holidays we’d never heard of before, including “It’s national let’s all visit the Parthenon day!”
More soon. Feels good to be back!